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African and Asian Writers Organization charter
(full text)‎

‎About Organization:‎

An international organization, born and rooted in Egypt with an Afro-Asian identity, was established by the martyr Yusuf Al-Siba'ai, a former Minister of Culture. As a leading figure among the Free Officers, the champions of the revered July 23, 1952 revolution, he acted under President Gamal Abdel Nasser's guidance in 1957. The organization's mission was to bolster the Non-Aligned Movement and foster positive neutrality, thereby reducing tensions between the East and West and averting direct confrontations. It aimed to advance liberation, independence, and development initiatives across Africa, Asia, South America, and the broader Third World, challenging discrimination, racism, marginalization, and domination attempts, particularly in the Arab and Islamic realms. This organization has played a crucial role, becoming a beacon for activists, a cultural bastion, and a source of enlightenment for free individuals and revolutionaries globally.

Guided by the lofty principles upon which it was established, the organization has attracted leading intellectuals, writers, and representatives from Afro-Asian nations, along with their writers' unions and cultural organizations, to join its ranks and engage in its diverse activities. These countries have bolstered the organization's efforts, providing material and moral support, driven by a belief in the nobility of its objectives and the excellence of its aims. With the conclusion of the Cold War and the advent of the communications and information revolution that transformed the world into a small global village, the organization has drawn inspiration from the tenets of monotheistic religions to promote peace, tolerance, love, and intercultural dialogue. The organization's global mission now focuses on the betterment of humanity, fostering cooperation among nations and peoples to spur development and prosperity for all, particularly for the historically marginalized developing nations of Asia and Africa. These regions now rightfully aspire to claim their share of progress and affluence, elevating the living standards of their populations.

‎Objectives of the Organization:‎

The conviction that cultural activity is the primary gateway to strengthening ties and cooperative relations across political and economic spheres led to the consensus among writers and thinkers from Asia and Africa. This agreement culminated in the formation of the African and Asian Writers Organization, dedicated to pursuing the following objectives:

1. Encourage unity among writers across Africa and Asia, and cultivate relationships with authors, thinkers, and intellectuals globally.

2. We advocate for strengthening cultural ties between African and Asian writers, as well as among all peace-loving forces, organizations, and peoples. By defending our shared causes and fostering collaboration in various fields, we aim to enrich human thought, science, culture, and progress.

3. Encouragement: We should produce intellectual and cultural works that accurately reflect the realities of our era and promote objectivity. It's crucial to combat marginalization, confusion, domination, and any form of racial or sexual discrimination. Correcting misconceptions is essential, as is advocating for the dialogue between civilizations and cultures, rather than their conflict or clash.

4. Advocating for every idea focused on the development of societies and the advancement of humans, elevating their cultural, political, economic, and social status.

5- Collaborating with those who embody the spirit and objectives of this charter, uniting writers and thinkers from all corners of the globe.



1. Membership in the organization is open to African and Asian writers, unions and organizations from African and Asian countries, provided they adhere to the Charter of the Organization and are committed to contributing earnestly and effectively towards achieving its objectives.

2. Individual associate members may be admitted by organizations and unions from various countries around the world that endorse and uphold the organization's charter. However, these members are not entitled to a counted vote in elections.

3. The rights of an associate member are confined to attending seminars, workshops, and engaging in the organization's cultural and literary activities. They do not have the right to attend general assemblies, conferences, or participate in the election of the President or Management members.

4. An associate member is entitled to become an active member after a period of five years from the date of joining the organization. This is contingent upon the submission of an application, adherence to financial and literary commitments, and a cultural and literary output of no less than three published and recognized books. The application and supporting documents must be submitted to the Board of Directors for review and approval.

‎Composition of the organization:‎

‎The organization consists of:‎

‎1. Conference of African and Asian Writers.‎

‎2. Presidency of the Organization and Headquarters.‎

‎3. Permanent Bureau.‎

‎4. Regional offices for Africa and Asia.‎

‎5. The Afro-Asian Centre for Human Rights.‎

‎6. Research and Studies Center. ‎


‎African and Asian Writers Conference:‎

1. The Book Conference of Africans and Asians holds the highest authority within the organization.

2. The Conference is scheduled to take place every five years. Additionally, an extraordinary conference can be called upon if requested by a two-thirds majority of the members.

3. The Conference outlines the strategy, general policy, and work program of the Organization, and possesses the authority to amend the Charter.

4. The Conference will select the country to host the organization's headquarters, Board of Directors, and permanent office. Egypt has been chosen for this honor. The Organization reserves the right to establish additional headquarters and branches within the Member States.

5. Decisions and Recommendations: The resolutions of the Conference shall be obligatory for the constitutional entities of the Organization and shall serve as an operational guide for organizations, unions, national committees, and individual members.

6. Each conference member shall have one vote. Participants are to strive for consensus on all matters. All conference documents require approval by a majority vote.

7. The leader of the organization will hail from the country designated by the Conference to host the Organization's headquarters and Permanent Bureau.


‎Organization Presidency and Permanent Bureau:‎

1. The Organization and the Office shall maintain permanent executive authority during the intervals between the Conferences of African and Asian Writers.

2. The Permanent Office is responsible for implementing the Organization's program and preparing the sessions of the Conference.

3. The Head of the Organization and the Permanent Office oversees the editorial board of the organization's magazine, its weekly newspaper, the African and Asian literature series, as well as all publications of the organization.

4. The President of the Organization is tasked with coordinating all aspects of its activities. As the official spokesperson, they bear responsibility for the organization's operations.

5. The leader of the organization is supported by a technical body that forms his office. He may also appoint deputies and assistants to aid him in his duties.

6. The President of the Organization authenticates all data and documents slated for publication and enacts decisions to regulate operations.

7. The current President of the Organization is consultant Dr. Mohamed Magdy Morgan, who serves as the legal representative of the organization before all entities, banks, and institutions. He has relinquished the Presidency and the line of succession to Engineer Consultant Mahmoud Al Mahraqi.

8. The President adopts and signs all checks and securities of the organization.



1. Funding for the African and Asian Writers Organization primarily comes from the contributions of national unions, organizations, and committees in member countries, as well as participating members. Additionally, grants provided by nations, amicable organizations, and individuals who wish to endorse and support the organization contribute to its financing. Revenue generated from the sale of the organization's magazine and other publications also constitutes a significant part of its income.

2. States or member associations contribute financially to the organization based on their capacity and capabilities, while individuals pay an annual subscription set by the organization's Board of Directors.

‎Bylaws of the Organization:‎

‎Organization Headquarters:‎

‎Cairo, the capital of the Arab Republic Egypt ‎

‎Other branches and centers:‎

‎The organization has branches and centers to represent it in a number of member states The Organization also has the right to establish other new branches in all Member States from different continents. The world to serve writers and thinkers and these branches represent the link between the organization and its members Writers and intellectuals from Member States.‎


‎Board of Directors of the Organization:‎

The organization is governed by a Board of Directors composed of eleven to fifteen members, who possess complete executive authority over its operations.

The leader of the organization oversees all facets of its operations and serves as the official representative, accountable for the entity's activities and the ratification of the annual report.


The President of the Organization is authorized to set the date and location of the organization's Conference, which occurs every five years.

‎Annual Report:‎

‎The President of the Organization approves the annual report of the Organization for the new year.‎



‎Competencies of the President of the Organization:‎

1. The President of the organization possesses a technical body, which is authorized to establish an office, appoint deputies and assistants for support, and has the power to dismiss them as necessary.

2. The President of the Organization is responsible for approving employees' wages, remuneration, bonuses, penalties, and annual performance evaluations.

3. The President oversees the Afro-Asian Center for Human Rights as well as the Afro-Asian Center for Political and Cultural Studies.

‎Financial Competencies:‎

4. The President of the Organization shall receive accreditation, and the final account of the fiscal year is to be presented to the Board of Directors for approval.

5- The President adopts, and signs checks issued in the organization's name and represents it in transactions with all banks and financial institutions.

Publications: The African and Asian Writers Organization has released the following publications:

‎- "Lotus" International Magazine in three international languages.‎

‎-  "Egypt and the world" weekly Newspaper.‎

‎- Newspaper and magazine "Kuwait and the World".‎

‎- Arab Flags Series.‎

‎- African Flags Series.‎

‎- Asia Flags Series.‎

‎Bulletins of the most important activities, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, and competitions Domestic, international.‎

‎Website of the organization‎

‎Facebook page‎

‎Contact: African and Asian Writers Organization‎

‎ 104  Qasr Al Ainy street – Cairo – Arab Republic of Egypt 

‎Postal code 11461 ‎

‎Phone: +201097630033‎

‎Board of Directors of the African and Asian Writers Organization‎

‎Egypt: Represented by the Chancellor Dr. Mohamed Magdy Morgan.‎

‎China: represented by Ambassador Writer Wusi Ke, Assistant Foreign Minister of China.‎

‎Yemen: Represented by the Ambassador Writer Abdul Wali Al-Shamiri.‎

‎Nigeria: represented by Author Dr. Khader Abdul Baqi - President of the Center for Islamic Studies in Nigeria.‎

‎UAE: Represented by Journalist Khaled Abdul Qadir Bakdash – Director of the Organization in the UAE‎

‎Palestine: represented by Writer Abdel Allah Hassan Tayeh.‎

‎Kuwait: Represented by Minister Ahmed Khaled Al-Kulaib.‎

‎Pakistan: represented by The writer Iftikhar Aref.‎

‎Senegal: represented by Dr. Abderrahmane Mohamed Kan, Professor at the University of Senegal.‎

‎Indonesia: represented by The great writer Tawfiq Ismail.‎

‎Saudi Arabia: represented by Prof. Intisar Ahmed Felimban.‎

‎Chad: represented by Dr. Omar Abdul Rahman Al-Mahi – Rector of King Faisal University in Chad.‎

‎Venezuela: Represented by Writer and poet Jones Santos Carazo.‎

‎Turkey: Represented by the writer Dr. Ali Ak, member of the Turkish House of Representatives.‎

‎Syria: Represented by the writer Journalist Dr. Amer Al-Soumi.‎


‎Center for Political and Cultural Strategic Research and Studies ‎

‎Head the Center ‎

‎Prof. Maged Ghaly ‎

‎Tasks of the Center ‎

‎- Preparing research and studies, and assisting researchers, inventors and writers. ‎

‎- Strategic research, ISO structuring, and country modeling, and public and private institutions. ‎

‎- Establishment of companies - and international marketing. ‎

‎- Establishing joint cooperation protocols between the Organization and the world. ‎

‎- Economic and political development and social, cultural. ‎